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Philosophy of Nursing

NURS 314 – Foundational Concepts & NURS 491 – Role Transition

Purpose of Assignment: 

This project provides the sophomore level student with an opportunity to define his/her philosophy of nursing in the early phases of education and professionalization. In the spirit of life-long learning inherent to the practice of nursing, the student will also explore and describe his/her goals for higher level nursing education. As required for the Senior year portfolio, the student can use this project to look back and reflect upon the values, understandings, ambiguities, and personal experiences that have changed or held steadfast throughout his/her undergraduate nursing education and their influence on the transition to the professional nurse role.

Student Approach to Assignment: 

In order to complete my revised philosophy of nursing, I chose a narrative format with the inclusion of nursing research, theory, and professional standards. This assignment highlights my growth from semester one of nursing school through semester five and beyond. Throughout the curriculum I have been able to develop a personal definition, purpose, and establish guiding principles that will propel me forward as I step out of the education environment and into practice.

Rationale for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Student Portfolio: 

The philosophy of nursing assignment highlights my personal values, ethics, and draw to nursing. Within the body of paper I satisfy the following Old Dominion School of Nursing End-of-Program-Outcomes in accordance with their accrediting body:

Critical Thinking

Uses nursing and other appropriate theories and models to guide professional practice

Example: In this paper I discuss several theories that guide my practice. These include Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring, Madeline Leininger’s Culture Care Theory, and Carl Roger’s humanistic approach. By using theories from both nursing and psychology I am able to provide truly individualized patient care. I further explain how these theories are used in my practice.

Nursing Practice

Performs therapeutic interventions that incorporate principles of quality management and proper safety techniques.

Example: I discuss therapeutic interventions throughout my paper. Some of these are medication based, such as administering sublingual morphine. Others are practice based, like sterile dressing changes.


Uses therapeutic communication within the nurse-patient relationship

Example: Within my paper, I highlight the importance of therapeutic communication to my practice as a nurse. I reference a patient I cared for that elected to withdraw from care and how I addressed his physical and psychosocial needs. I also address the importance of motivational interviewing in the culturally diverse setting.


Articulates the values of the profession and the role of the nurse as member of the interdisciplinary health care team

Example: Within the body of my essay I discuss the role of a nurse on an interprofessional team. During my time in nursing school I was able to frequently collaborate interprofessionally at the Interprofessional Care Clinic.


Differentiates between general, institutional, and specialty-specific standards of practice to guide nursing care

Example: Within this paper I cite the American nurses Association Code of Ethics which provides statements and examples that will influence my care as a nurse. This is an example of a general standard of practice.

Applies an ethical decision-making framework and legal guidelines to clinical situations that incorporate moral concepts, professional ethics, and advocacy for patient well-being and preferences

Example: My essay highlights a patient that elected to withdraw from care. I used the professional ethics of autonomy and beneficence to provide comfort care to this individual that aligned with his personal wishes.


Articulates an understanding of how human behavior is affected by culture, race, religion, gender, lifestyle, and age

Example: Within my paper I discuss the nurse-patient milieu within the culturally diverse setting. I point out the importance of understanding health behaviors and beliefs across different races, socioeconomic statuses, sexual orientations, and military affiliations.

Demonstrates sensitivity to personal and cultural definitions of health, and how these beliefs influence an individual’s reactions to the illness experience and end of life

Example: I stress the importance of motivational interviewing in this regards to ensure understanding of how health and health practices are impacting the patient. I also stress the nurse’s role and responsibility in ensuring unbiased care to a diverse population.

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